January '25 - Self-promo illustration, based on an unused sketch for a project on green grants

October '24 - Full cover book illustration for "Legal Roadmap for your Creative Business"

October '24 - Editorial illustrations for Scholastic Choices magazine, growth spurts feature

September '24 - Cincinnati magazine, editorial illustration for a column on a disastrous trip to Disneyland!

August '24 - Map illustrations for Marriott Breadsall Priory hotel. The marketing team of the hotel asked me to create two maps to provide information and interest for their guests. See the illustrated maps section of my folio for more details

July '24 - Sue Adler Real Estate Review cover. The team at Sue Adler Real Estate had this great concept, to illustrate a monopoly style board with the different regions they cover as the squares on the board, and featuring tiny buildings and points of interest from each area

June '24 - Visit Central Florida Guide, map illustration of Polk County, Florida

June '24 - HR Magazine, illustrated cover. It was great to work with the folks at HR magazine, to illustrate this cover feature about how HR managers can coach top level management in an organisation and deal with all the big personalities

January '24 - Benefits Canada magazine cover. This was a fun commission to convey the idea of an organisation's global employees' experience of mental health support

Feb 24 - Trying out a new 'outline' version of my style, take a look at the "outline style" page for more!

Editorial image of office workers in a creative office space
Jan 24 - Stevens Cooperative School Magazine Map Illustration

Jan 24 - Editorial illustration about varying degrees of mental health support around the world

Sept '23 - Editorial illustration

Sept '23 - Editorial illustration, a woman smashing through the 'glass ceilings' to reach the top of her organisation

August '23 - Illustrated map of the city centre of Birmingham, UK for The Hippodrome's "Weekender" festival

June '23 - Orlando Helicopter Adventures asked me to illustrate their tour route map, adding in all the fun theme parks they fly over on their tours

May '23 - Park and Walk carpark near Bristol airport asked me to illustrate a map of the walking route from their parking area to the entrance to Bristol Airport

March '23 - A series of spot illustrations on the subject of money management, done in my 'outline' style

December '22 - Reader's Digest asked me to illustrate their December cover again this year and I came up with this cosy fireside Christmas scene

December '22 - Petplan asked me to illustrate a series of spot illustrations of dogs, cats and rabbits for their fun Christmas multiple-choice quizzes. See the full set in the main page of my site

November '22 - I was asked to create a fun set of spot illustrations showing the evolution of the whale into its modern form for "Whale & Dolphin" and "Splash" magazines, here's the double page spread from Splash showing all of them as a set

Aug '22 - Ask magazine for kids wanted me to illustrate this fun double page spread on the different types of island and how they are formed!

August '22 - Reader's Digest UK, illustration for the regular "It's a Mann's World" column, Olly Mann talks about how he loves to try out the latest products and find his favourite!

May 2022 - Pups In The Park: an illustrated map for a dog show event in Dublin

April 2022 - Home life

Jan 2022 - Seabirds!

Jan 2022 - Illustrated scenes of gardeners for US gardening and plant supplier "Burpee"

December 21 - Reader's Digest Christmas cover illustration

November 21 - Petplan website illustrations

October 2021 - Courier Magazine illustrations

I was delighted to be asked to illustrate a series of articles in Issue 43 of Courier magazine on starting up different creative businesses, including starting a record label, which the illustration above was for
August 2021 - HR Magazine cover

May21 - Tesla "Cyberland": Concept theme park map for Digital Impact agency

This was an incredibly fun commission to illustrate a concept Tesla theme park map, featuring some of the Tesla brand ideas made into fun rides!
May 2021 - Editorial illustration, different forms of exercise you can do anywhere

May 2021 - Editorial illustration on the plus points of video calls

March 2021 - "Working together" editorial illustration

February 2021 - Lichfield City vector tourist information and historical map

Jan 2021 - Reader's Digest UK feature illustrations

Reader's Digest UK asked me to illustrate several pages for a feature on immigrants' experiences of finding their idea of home whilst settling in the UK
Jan 2021 - Working at home!

Jan 2021 - Personal promo image

December 2020 - Laithwaite's promotional Thank You postcard

It was a joy to illustrate these little portraits of Laithwaite wine-makers from around the world for the Laithwaite's Thank You postcard sent out with wine orders this Christmas
December 2020 - Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists

These are the last two in a series of 12 website illustrations to celebrate the RCSLT's 75th anniversary year, each one to discuss a different month's theme, all around the idea of speech and langugage therapy
November 2020 - Lawrentian magazine illustrations

The school asked me to illustrate the cover and inside feature for their back-to-school issue following a term away from campus due to the Covid pandemic. The issue covered topics like virtual learning and how to keep students safe on their return
September 2020 - Royal College Speech & Language Therapy

RCSLT have kindly asked me to illustrate a different theme every month on their website, to celebrate their 75th anniversary year. Above are three of the recent pieces I've done for them for June, August and September on themes of "Lifelong learning in speech and langugage therapy", "Speech and language therapy around the world" and "Celebrating service users"
May20 - The Lawrenceville School campus map

June20 - Highlights magazine

So fantastic to be asked to illustrate this fun map of the Yellowstone Trail for US kid's magazine "Highlights". The trail was one of the first cross-country roads in the US, so I got to draw people in early 20th century costume and a Model T Ford!
May20 - BBC Wildlife magazine

A fascinating feature in BBC Wildlife magazine, about being able to trace evidence of animals through environmental DNA
April 20 - Birdwatching!

April 2020 - Nursery Management magazine

This cover illustration was for a piece on looming funding cuts in the nursery sector, worrying times ahead
April 2020 - Reader's Digest UK, Olly Mann column

An illustration for the "It's a Mann's World" column by Olly Mann, on his problem of hair removal
April 2020 - Washington DC, Downtown map

March 2020 - RCSLT 75th anniversary poster

As part of the RCSLT's 75th year celebrations, they asked me to illustrate an A2 poster for their members, featuring some of the famous people who have had therapy, the services the college provides, and their service users, in a fun, engaging image
March20 - RCSLT website illustrations

The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists have asked me to produce an illustration for their website for every month of 2020, to celebrate their 75th anniversary year. February's theme was on love of the profession and the people that use speech and language therapy services. March was about the women that work in the profession and their future in the role
Jan 2020 - Escape magazine, map of South West UK

December 19 - American Way magazine, South Florida map

October19 - Aer Lingus inflight magazine; map of Fishtown area of Philadelphia

October19 - Print Week magazine feature

September19 - Summer Picnic spot maps

August 19 - Timeout London and TFL

Loved illustrating this series of small maps for a Timeout/TFL guide to arty walks around London
August 19 - Reader's Digest, Olly Mann column

Olly Mann does a regular column in Reader's Digest, on various crazy things that have happened to him. In this column, he talked about his feelings on the impending arrival of his second child
July 2019 - Hand lettering headline

June 2019 - Spider kids' magazine

A lovely commission to illustrate some of the answers to a quiz about words with a double 'm'. I had totally free rein to show the anwers however I wanted in this border illustration, and I thought it would be fun to fit them all into one summery holiday scene
June 2019 - Aer Lingus inflight magazine

A little illustrated map of the Karolinenviertel area of Hamburg highlighting some little tourist hotspots!
June 2019 - Reader's Digest Cover

Another wonderful opportunity to illustrate for Reader's Digest, this was for their Grenfell Tower two years on feature, a sad and sensitive subject. The Art Director wanted to highlight how the community has come together to heal and look after each other since the disaster, so we worked with the Grenfell green heart icon to show members of the community working together
April 2019 - Aer Lingus inflight magazine

Great to be asked to illustrate this dps map for the new-look Cara magazine of an area of Boston
April 2019 - Loire Valley Map

April 2019 - Print Week cover illustration

Fun to illustrate this issue of Print Week magazine on the subject of cyber attacks! The art director requested an image of a phone being hacked into in some way and I came up with this idea of a dangling thief breaking into phone apps like secret files!
March 2019 - Map Illustrations for Timeout London

It was an epic but fantastically enjoyable task to illustrate 7 little maps in under a week for a special walking feature in Timeout London