I was thrilled to be asked to produce some hand-lettering to accompany DC Turner's excellent illustrations for comedian Tim Minchin's graphic novel STORM. Below are the final pages, coloured and incorporated into the novel by DC Turner, alongside my original sketches, ideas and grey tone work
illustration of hand lettering "I'm Sagittarian" on a horoscope background
This hand lettering work was used by DC Turner in the book but coloured in his own way (as you can see below). The coloured illustration above is my version of the colouring and final work
The original grey tone image I sent to DC Turner for him to incorporate in the book
Here is my hand-lettering of I'M SAGITTARIAN which DC Turner has incorporated with his own illustrations in the book and coloured so that it fits with the general look and feel of the rest of the book
Some of my initial sketches for the Sagittarian page, all based around the theme of astrology and trying to get across the outgoing, bubbly nature of Sagittarians
This hand lettering work was used by DC Turner in the book but coloured in his own way (as you can see below). The coloured illustration above is my version of the colouring and final work
This is my final grey tone image for the words YOU CAN'T KNOW ANYTHING, KNOWLEDGE IS MERELY OPINION. DC Turner then coloured and incorporated this illustration into the final page as you see below
My hand lettering here illustrates the main character, Storm's words as though they are battering rams, interrupting the dinner party she is attending
Some of the initial sketches for the page, both in layout and fiddling around outside of the layout
Here, I illustrated the words BE NICE written within one of the character's eyes
My hand-lettering nice and big on a full page, no escaping the meaning here :)
Some initial sketches for the BULLSHIT page
Here I illustrated the lettering I SEE TREES OF GREEN, RED ROSES TOO, which DC Turner then beautifully coloured and incorporated within a landscape scene
My final grey tone lettering for the page
Initial sketches for the page, with a Sound of Music/Jazz inspired theme
Full-page design and lettering of the words THROUGHOUT HISTORY EVERY MYSTERY EVER SOLVED HAS TURNED OUT TO BE NOT MAGIC. DC Turner coloured the final page
My final grey tone illustration before colouring by DC Turner
Initial sketches for the page
My final grey tone hand lettering, then coloured by DC Turner
Some of my initial sketches for the Science page
Some initial sketches for another page that DC Turner used as a basis for his final work
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